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HOIO und Cookuk

  • Das Tagebuch von Raum Nummer 8 (Susanne Vögeli und Jules Rifke)
  • HOIO-Rezepte in der Kochschule – das andere Tagebuch

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Gewürze aus Santa Lemusa


On his way to new destinations: Peter Polter in Episoda T-shirt.
Farbige Blätter schwimmen auf dunklem Wasser.

Peter Polter

Peter Polter was born in 1964 in Palmheim. He studied ethnology, Lemusan archaeology and Comparitive Religion at the University of Santa Lemusa, and completed a thesis in 1992 on «The Food in the Liliac Culture». An extended journey took him in the following year to Europe and the Caucasus. From 1994 to 1995 he worked as an archaeological excavations technologist at various digs in the island of Santa Lemusa. At the same time he started researching the subject of Lemusan history and publishing articles on it in the local daily newspaper, «Leko». In 1995 Polter moved to Paris and worked there until 2007 mostly as a travel guide for German, French and Lemusan companies, escorting their guests primarily around France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. 2006 to 2009 he reported for Radio Lemusa as their culture correspondent in Europe. In 2009 Polter returned to Santa Lemusa, where he conceived and developed a TV series for Anat 3 (the Deutsche Welle of the Antlantic antennae) on cross-cultural culinary traditions, but the program was never realised. Since 2011 Polter has been travelling through the world as a freelance reporter and irregularly sending his «Episoda» back home to Santa Lemusa. These «Episoda» are of different types and varying duration, and aim to help Santa Lemusan people to create a picture of the world for themselves. Peter Polter lives in Palmheim.


See also

First Publication: 30-8-2011

Modifications: 1-10-2011, 1-2-2012, 16-9-2012