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Vorrichtung aus verschiedenen Stangen für die Aufhängung eines Werbeschildes am Meer - ohne Schild.

Journey to Santa Lemusa

In June 2012 a small paperboat embarks from Riehener Wenkenhof (map) on a big voyage. The route is open, but the destination is definite: the island of Santa Lemusa, located 44º West / 33º North in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. For 44 days the «Papership Narina» sails on its own time zones between continents and climate zones, realities and dimensions. In May 2013 the boat finally docks in the territorial waters of the desired country of destination. That’s undoubtedly clear since the chef of the «PS Narina» has a Lemusan mackerel (Scomber lemusanus) on his angle – because the 44 days are also a journey in 44 fishes.

[All texts of «Journey to Santa Lemusa» are translated from German by Gunvanthi Balaram]

Une ancre pour le FRAC

En août 2014 le Fonds régional d’art contemporain (FRAC) Alsace a acquis l'ancre du «Papership Narina» pour sa collection.

Pour écouter la lecture tout en regardant les différentes vidéos du projet ou en vous promenant sur le reste du site, il vous suffit d'ouvrir un nouvelle fenêtre ou un nouvel onglet.

First Publication: 17-8-2012

Modifications: 30-11-2012, 1-5-2013, 10-11-2014, 8-1-2015, 1-2-2015