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Gewürze aus Santa Lemusa


The chip

Dresden (Germany) Theaterplatz (map)

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Sometimes it seems to me as if my fellow-tourists have a chip planted inside them that forces them to behave exactly like all other tourists. Why, for instance, do all those who have the physical capacity to do so, climb up the pedestal of the equestrian statue in front of the Semper Opera in Dresden? Do they wish to show themselves along with King Johann who trots through the skies here? Do they wish to inveigle themselves into his virtuous life, which is symbolically portrayed in the frieze on the plinth? Do they care at all about whom they pose with? Or, do they climb up simply because others do so? This issue vexes me because I fear that I also have such a chip in me. If I only knew where it’s hidden I would take it out because I believe that the tourist, too, is entitled to behave with a certain degree of unpredictability. Or, is that arrogant?

See also

  • Recipe related to this Episoda: Dresdner Sauerbraten (Beef roast, marinated with spices in sour milk, braised with bacon)
  • Episoda – a broadcast for Santa Lemusa (Introduction)
  • Biography of Peter Polter

First Publication: 15-8-2015
